Sensitive or protected resources should still be protected by good authentication and authorization. Generate Random String length8, chars LETTERS NUMBERS Generates a string with a desired length from the given chars. Just keep in mind that relying on security by obscurity, by having a long identifier in a URL that would be hard to guess, is not the only solution you should rely on. With hex (0-9,A-F), 6 characters allows for 16 million unique combinations, 8 over 4 billion, and 10 characters over 1 trillion. Just be sure to chose enough bytes to provide room for sufficient randomness to reduce the chance of collisions, and so that the probability of sequential IDs are low (ie: AABBCC, AABBCD). Some possible solutions in MySQL is to either run the UUID through a hash like sha, or use random_bytes. The same is true for the uuid_short function – the values will be sequential. So, if you do a substring and select 6 characters, or only select the last 12 characters, you will end up with duplicate values. Only the last characters of the first grouping will change. It generates values that are sequential or near-sequential when run on the same database server at approximately the same time. MySQL’s UUID algorithm is unfortunately a bit more predictable. With Postgres 13, this is fairly simple: select gen_random_uuid()::varchar But if you have lots of rows in a database that need to be updated, you will likely end up backfilling values in the database itself. For example, if you want to generate an 8 character string, here’s a sample query for that. MySQL random string with MD5 and RAND functions The MD5 () function is used to generate an MD5 128-bit checksum representation of a string.
Mysql generate random string code#
Generating a random string as a surrogate key in code can be easy enough, by using a UUID or a class like RandomStringUtils (careful, look up the Scunthorpe problem). One of the most common ways to generate random string in MySQL is to use UUID (). One of the easiest ways to generate a random string is to use a combination of the SUBSTR () function, the MD5 () function, and the RAND () function. This generally can be bad for security, as a user could attempt to access other resources by incrementing the ID ( GET /account/124). The population sequence chars contains the characters to use when generating the random string. Sometimes this has come up when working on an old API that exposes a primary key in the URL ( GET /account/123). Generates a string with a desired length from the given chars.

From time to time, I have had to go back to a legacy database and for one reason or another add a non-integer surrogate key.